"Perfect practice makes perfect"
Posted: Friday, October 8, 2010 by InvictusCoach in
Workout of the Day
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps:
Back Squat- 115/135/165 lbs.
Strict Press- 65/95/135lbs.
Deadlift- 135/155/185lbs.
What does everyone think of the programming as of late? More specifically the past 6 weeks? I have really made a big effort to improve the WODs. If you have noticed, we focus a little less on the heavier/strength portion and now are in a "prep" phase. The WODs are generally more metabolically taxing, yet still short in duration. Things are still constantly varied, but I still like to keep O-lifts at the core of my programming.
Wrestling season is coming up real soon, so its time to turn up the intensity a notch, walk into the first day of practice and outperform everyone. If you start off the season in better shape than your opponent, you've won half the battle. The hardest part of the season is the first month for many. It is that transition of getting in shape, making weight, and managing time that piles onto the mental grind of the season. For those who have trained with me this off-season, I know you'll all be ready for the season. Its time to put all that hard work and dedication into practice! Remember, practice doesn't make perfect. PERFECT PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT. Deuses.
Stay classy,
Coach A.
Effing BEAST! ------------> Dave Lipson- 500lbs. Front Squat