Double and triple "WODing"

Posted: Thursday, November 4, 2010 by InvictusCoach in

Workout of the Day

Deadlift 5-3-1-1-1

Game time
For time:
100 burpees. At the start of every minute perform 5 deadlifts @ 50% of your 1RM.

After party
AMRAP 6 minutes:
1 Deadlift @ 70% of 1RM
5 Pullups

The reason why us CrossFitters even call it "WODing" is beyond me. Constantly phrases like "WODing", WODs, etc are abused day in and day out by these elite breed of humans. If you are still confused as to why it makes no sense, let me jog your memory: WOD stands for Workout of the Day. Adding ing, s, and other literary... things makes the entire phrase improper english. Example: "I was WODing today and did Fran in under a minute". So what that sentence really is saying is: "I was workout of the daying today ..." See what I mean?
Just had to get that off my chest... on to more important things now. If you have been following, you can see the past few weeks have consisted of multiple workouts, double and triple. Some readers and fellow CrossFitters may automatically deem this method as a recipe for over-training. This statement may be true for the novice and even intermediate athlete. This is not the case for elite Crossfitters and well-conditioned athletes. At this point of periodizaton, the training program for my athletes is to prepare them for the grueling wrestling season. Multiple workouts are necessary to get them in shape for an intense 2 hour long practice. Sure, CrossFitting once a day will help your conditioning tremendously, but to prepare your body for the grind of the wrestling season and to achieve elite fitness may take several workouts per day. I'm not talking about doing several lung burning chippers per day, but pairing a "lung burner" or "chipper" with a strength, skill, or weakness workout seems to do the trick. When it all comes down to competition for the elite, it all comes down to who is having the better day, or peaking. Peaking at the right time takes carefully thought out periodization, which is a post in and of itself.

Stay classy,

Coach A.

I finally broke my previous PR! 480lbs. raw deadlift: no shoes, no straps, no belt, NO PROBLEM! Check it more videos on YouTube.