Close Pukie encounter... again...
Posted: Friday, June 25, 2010 by InvictusCoach in
Workout of the Day
Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5
For time:
Sumo-deadlift high pull,95/65lbs.
Double unders (x3 if you can only do singles)
Main site WOD looks pretty dirty!
My old pal, Linda, nearly handed my first Pukie experience in almost year. Last time I encountered Pukie, Fran had invited him over to watch the WOD. For those of you who do not know Linda, well, shes a C U Next Tuesday. Three bars of death is her nickname. The girl named workout consists of repetitions of 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 of 1.5 bodyweight deadlifts, followed by bodyweight benchpress, and lastly 3/4 bodyweight cleans for time. If you are confused here is an example: my bodyweight is 164, so my prescribed weights were 245lbs. deadlift, 165lbs. benchpress, and 125lbs. clean. Get it? Anyway, after raping her in 13:14 (new P.R.) I immediately fell to the floor, had a major headache, had trouble breathing, and after 5 minutes of resting in a puddle of my own sweat I dragged my body into the bathroom where Pukie was there laughing at me. I felt that familiar feeling in my stomach, much like a few weekends at college, but couldn't pull that trigger. After about 20 minutes, I was recovered and got that "crossfit high" that follows a good workout. The CF Westchester owner, Chris, busted my balls a little bit afterwards because I rarely train "out of my realm". He happens to be a freak with longer met-cons, quite opposite from me. I can only pretty much dominate any met-cons that are real short >10 minutes. If I find some time today I'll extend this post and get into why some people are good at short met-cons vs. long met-cons. Aright time for me to get ready for my last day of substitute teaching!
Stay classy,
Coach A.