My low-carb Paleo experience

Posted: Thursday, June 24, 2010 by InvictusCoach in

Workout of the day

Back squat 5-5-5-5-5

"Quarter Gone Bad"
Five rounds for total reps of:

135/95lbs Thrusters, 15 seconds
Rest 45 Seconds
50/25lbs. Weighted pull-ups, 15 seconds
Rest 45 Seconds
Burpees, 15 seconds
Rest 45 Seconds

Two more days of school left! I'm a substitute teacher by day, super trainer by night. So far the first week of my summer CrossFit classes has been going great. The athletes who have been with me since I started running classes, in April, are continuing to improve tremendously. My goal is to make your average Joe into a stellar athlete. Your stellar athlete into a machine. And your machine into a fire breathing dragon! There is no plateuing here.

On another note, I have been on a low-carb Paleo diet for about four weeks now (<100g per day) and super low for the past two weeks(<40g per day). I have been Paleo eating for six months, but never restricted my carbohydrate intake. So I still had several pieces of fruit per day, potatoes, and other Paleo friendly foods that contain a fair amount of carbohydrates. Now I will say that I was very skeptical at first. Being very active throughout my day, I was afraid that the limited carbohydrate intake would adversely effect my recovery and performance. My typical training day consists of: hitting a strength WOD, a short met-con, then running wrestling practice two hours later. To my own surprise, I have not felt one bit drained. In fact, my energy levels have shot up, I've been hitting new PRs, and I have gotten noticebly leaner (lost about 3lbs. of bodyfat). I know what your thinking. "If your carbohydrate intake is so low, how on earth can your body replenish it's glycogen stores?". I'm glad you were thinking that! Well, I have made my body go into a ketogenic state. To make this quick when you are burning off all of your glycogen stores and are not consuming enough carbs to replenish them your body goes through a process called gluconeogenisis. Gluconeogenesis is a metabolic pathway that involves coverting amino acids (from protein duh) into glucose. When your body is in ketosis, it will spare your glycogen stores during exercise and force your body to utilize fat for energy. Turning you into a 24 hour fat burning furnace!

Stay classy,

Coach A.

CrossFit Westchester aka "The Dungeon"