Fitness goals vs. CrossFit ideology
Posted: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 by InvictusCoach inWorkout of the Day
Deadlift 5x5
For time:
Squat clean 3/4 bodyweight
Ring pushups
Toes 2 bar
Kettlebell snatch
Lets get down to "bin-ness". I am a strength oriented style trainer. Though CrossFit is arguably the best fitness program in the industry, my personal beliefs lean towards a strength bias. I believe for the AVERAGE person, the CrossFit philosophy of well-rounded fitness is accurate. However, I specialize with athletes so I believe their needs are different. As trainers and coaches, it is our job to accurately prescribe programs pertaining to our client's/athlete's specific goals. The fitness needs of a specific group of athletes ARE different from the general population. Contrary to the CrossFit belief of "we differ by degee, not kind", I believe we differ by kind AND degree. Granted, I don't believe in "body sculpting" or any of that non-sense but the needs of a football player differ from a gymnast. Grandma's needs differ from an endurance runner's. Both scenarios depict situations where one population's specific needs are to get stronger while the others is to increase a different physical fitness area. In a nutshell, the KIND of training grandma needs are not only DIFFERENT, but the extent to which she needs them are DIFFERNT compared to the endurance runner. I could go on a huge tangent, but I'll save that for another time :)
Stay classy,
Coach A.