Some good news!

Posted: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 by InvictusCoach in

Workout of the Day

Find 1RM back squat then...

Back Squat
15 reps- 50% of 1RM
12 reps- 55% of 1RM
9 reps- 60% of 1RM
6 reps- 65% of 1RM
3 reps - 70% of 1RM

30 seconds to complete 1st set, 25 seconds 2nd set, 20 seconds 3rd set, 15 seconds 4th set, 10 seconds 5th set; with 1min rest between sets. Burpee penalty until minute ends if not completed within the time constraint

Thanks Harold from CF-Westchester!

On to the good news... I am OFFICIALLY hired as a Physical Education teacher at PS 1- The Courtlandt School!!! Ironic how my first teaching job has the same name as my college. What can I say, I guess Cortland can't get away from me. More good news: I am all moved into my new apartment wooo... Any other updates? Hmm... can't think of any so BReeZe!

Stay classy,

Coach A.

The future... When Invictus Wrestling and CrossFit Westchester join forces!

Visit for more Videos

Is the summer really over??

Posted: Monday, August 30, 2010 by InvictusCoach in

Workout of the Day

For time:
3-6-9-12-15-18-21 reps:

Ground to overhead 65/95lbs.
Ring dips

*If you can't do ring dips, do regular dips*

I came up with this workout in a dream I had last night. I had a dream I was viewing the CF main page and it was the WOD. You know its a sickness when your dreaming of WODs! I just moved into my new apartment on Friday, so I got to go do some things. Enjoy the WOD!

Stay classy,

Coach A.

Did you know that Paleolithic men on average were taller than men today?

Posted: Friday, August 27, 2010 by InvictusCoach in

Workout of the Day

"Death by Thruster"

With a continuous clock perform 1 thruster on the first minute, 2 on the second minute, 3 on the third minute and so on until you can't complete the amount of reps on the minute. You can break them up into as many sets as possible.

B.E.- 65lbs (Boiled Egg- you hard on the outside but soft on the inside)
H.B- 95lbs. (Hard Body)
B.A.- 115lbs (Bad Ass)
B.A.M.F.- 135lbs (Bad Ass Mother Fucker)

May seem like bullshit but... the people who dig up bones and stuff have noted that Paleolithic man was slightly taller than Neolithic man. Despite a lifespan that was significantly shorter than today's man, Paleolithic man was healthier, nearly disease free, and leaner. How can your lifespan be shorter if your healthier? Well, lets see how long you live in the effing wild with no antibiotics and medicines! The average lifespan also takes into account deaths at birth. Think about it. There were no caveman doctors to deliver cave-babies It also includes the fact that you could get your face ripped off by a saber-tooth tiger at any given moment... If you don't believe me do a GOOD google search.
Anyways, here is a cool interview I stumbled on: T-nation interviews Robb Wolf... That should clear up any questions for the dumb bodybuilding people.


Visit for more Videos

Tweaking diet- removing nuts and seeds

Posted: Thursday, August 26, 2010 by InvictusCoach in

Workout of the Day

50-40-30-20-10 reps:

Hand to hand kettlebell swings- 1 pood (35lbs)

How to do the hand to hand KB swing

This has been a pretty active week for us over at CrossFit Westchester. Since Invictus Wrestling has been on a short hiatus, I have decided to ramp up the training a little bit. If you guys have not noticed. With all this extra time it has allowed me to focus more on CrossFit- programming, finding cool articles, and finishing my Paleo on-ramp program. Speaking of Paleo, I have decided to remove my beloved almonds, cashews, and pistachios from my diet. I would have referred to the group as "nuts" but that would have sounded entirely too... you know... Back to the subject: I eat a lot of A,C, and Ps (ACP). I don't measure either. I just scoop handfuls at a time and if I had to take a guess on how many servings of ACPs I eat per day, I'd say I am somewhere around the neighborhood of 4. If you do the math that calculates out to around 800 calories per day coming just from ACPs! Of course its good fat, but I center every meal around protein and fat. I am positive my fat intake is high enough without ACPs, so I am doing a little experiment. I am going without ACPs for 1 month, or 4 weeks, and I will take note on effects on energy levels and body composition. My hypothesis: energy levels will stay high while reducing bodyfat. Normally, any calorie decrease will resort in some kind of energy dip for a period of time. However, I am confident that my calories and fat intake are high enough to maintain the energy levels I have now. Almost like ACPs are just something "extra", something I do not necessarily need. I think I'll also drop a few pounds because of that caloric deficit. Its going to be interesting to see how my body responds. I'll do my best to keep ya'll posted weekly. Anyways... BReeZe!

Stay classy,

Coach A.

Goodbye... for now...

Updates on Paleo on-ramp

Posted: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 by InvictusCoach in

Workout of the Day

Back squat 5-3-1-1-1
Benchpress 5-3-1-1-1
Deadlift 5-3-1-1-1

Just a little update on my Paleo on-ramp program thingy I'm currently working on:
Currently I am about 75% done writing it, I have to make some adjustements here and there. Now I am on schedule for its original completion date of September 1st. But after finding out two important things that may improve the on-ramp program, I may push back the date to the end of September or post this one and have a 2nd edition. While checking up on Robb Wolf's website a few days ago, I noticed that he is having a Paleolithic Solution Seminar in Brooklyn on September 4th. This would be an awesome opportunity for me to learn from the master himself. I am not a master at nutrition, so I think this would help out immensely. Also, Robb's book, "The Paleo Solution", is going to be released early September. Having that book as a reference is a huge tool and can really impact how I design the on-ramp program. As of right now I am leaning towards waiting for those two learning experiences to sink in, so I can improve what I already have. Or maybe I'll post what I have anyhow and have a 2nd edition? What do you think??

Stay classy,

Coach A.

The butterfly pullup, demonstrated by my idol

The Paleo Solution!

Posted: Tuesday, August 24, 2010 by InvictusCoach in

Workout of the Day

Split Jerk 5-3-1-1-1

21, 15, 9 reps of:

Push Press 135 lbs
Ring Dips
Calorie Row

Thanks CF Football!

*Push press can be scaled to 70% of 1RM or 95,65lbs.

Just found out Robb Wolf's book, The Paleo Solution, will be release September 14th! STOKED! If you do not know who Robb Wolf is, he is like the guru of paleolithic nutrition. Check out his website for nutrition info @ You can also download his podcast episodes, "The Paleolithic Solution" on itunes for free.

Stay classy,

Coach A.

That might have been one of the thickest callouses that has ever torn off of my hand

Training vs. Exercising

Posted: Monday, August 23, 2010 by InvictusCoach in

Workout of the Day

Snatch 5-3-1-1-1

Five rounds for time:

Left arm dumbbell/kettlebell/barbell ,snatch- 5 reps
Right leg 20" box jump - 10 reps
Right arm dumbell/kettlebell/barbell snatch- 5 reps
Left leg 20" box jump - 10 reps

Beginners use a dumbbell, advanced use the KB, and elite use the barbell.
*RX'd weight for dumbell is 45lbs.
*RX'd weight for kettlebell is 35lbs.
*RX'd weight for barbell is 65lbs.

My fellow coach found this sweet article on CrossFit Maryland's website. Definitely worth checking out --------> Training vs. Exercising
Eusebio was too busy to do the much anticipated "Fran" workout on Friday. Expect the video to be posted within the next few days.

Stay classy,

Coach A.

Today is the day

Posted: Friday, August 20, 2010 by InvictusCoach in

Workout of the Day

Front squat 5-3-1-1-1

21-15-9 reps:
Thrusters 95/65lbs.

* Scale appropriately with thrusters. Fran is not meant to be a long workout, 6 minutes tops. If you do not have a strong thrust (haha) scale with 65lbs.*

Today is the day that CrossFit/Invictus athlete, Eusebio "da hitman" must do fran. Not only does he have to complete fran, he has to do so in attire of my choice due to a bet. I won't spoil what it is he will be dressing in, but I will tell you it is going to be hysterical. I will post the video on facebook tonight and on the blog Monday.
Hopefully today I will find out if I will be a full time teacher in the Bronx this year! Cross yo fingers! There are a few birthdays I will be celebrating this weekend, so it should be a goodie... BReeZe!

Stay classy,

Coach A.

Coach is taking the day off

Posted: Thursday, August 19, 2010 by InvictusCoach in

Workout of the Day

Refer to CrossFit Westchester. Chris will be running class today, be prepared!

Quick post: I'll be soaking in some cosmic rays at the beach. Got to hit it up one more time before the summer ends! Tomorrow, Eusebio will be doing "Fran" in some ridiculous attire. Will post video on Monday. BReeZe!

Stay classy,

Coach A.

Sugar alcohols... bad? good? or both?

Posted: Wednesday, August 18, 2010 by InvictusCoach in

Workout of the Day

Deadlift 5-3-1-1-1
Strict press 5-3-1-1-1
Back squat 5-3-1-1-1

Go heavy, go hard... fitness tests are next week!

Have you ever wondered whats the deal with sugar alcohols? Not sugar substitute. I'm talking about the stuff that is in most protein bars and other foods that claim to be "sugar free". Here is a neat article outlining everything you need to know about sugar alcohols.
------------> Sugar Alcohols

Fastest Fran time... 1:53!

The Fastest Show on Earth. The first sub 2 minute "Fran" from gregg arsenuk on Vimeo.

Don't ever cheat on Paleo for a whole week

Posted: Tuesday, August 17, 2010 by InvictusCoach in

Workout of the Day


5 rounds for time:
Clean 70% 1RM- 5 reps
Pullups- 10 reps
Burpees- 15 reps

Last week, I decided to skip on grocery shopping. Funds were low and I was pretty damn lazy. So I was just winging my meals by with eggs, protein bars/shakes, some fruit and chicken. My fat intake now that I think about it was low, protein was moderate as well as carbohydrate consumption. The weekend was even worse. I actually didn't participate in my usual weekend habits, I wanted to "be good". But I did eat grains, lots of them. Lots of refined sugar. It was delicious. Let me tell you, I WILL NOT BE DOING THAT FOR AWHILE. My performance and energy levels generally sucked. I started to feel it on Friday, but didn't pay attention to it. I figured I was having an "off day". Today convinced me that my poor eating habits from the past week finally caught up with me. Granted, the workout I did today was tough and I still completed it in above average time, I felt like effing death. My energy levels dropped after my second round, I felt that I was going to have another asthma attack, and I was sweating like a fat kid at Thanksgiving. I seriously have not felt that shitty after a workout in a very very long time. The only thing I could think of that was different was my diet from the past week. So I went shopping and prepared a delicious Paleo friendly meal. I feel full, satisfied and ready to crush whatever WOD I choose to do. Anyways, enough about me... Stay tuned for some updates!

Stay classy,

Coach A.

Who's that jacked stud (on top)? My senior year of H.S. Pre-crossfit/paleo

Is it me or has the past 4 Mondays been cloudy?

Posted: Monday, August 16, 2010 by InvictusCoach in

Workout of the Day

8 Rounds for time:

5 Power snatches- 95/65/45lbs.
Row 200m

Thanks CF Football!

Why do I wake up every Monday to see clouds! It is bad enough I hate Mondays, stupid clouds...

Maybe I'll have something intelligent to say tomorrow. BReeZe!

Stay classy,

Coach A.

Dinner of champions!

Paleo on-ramp in the works

Posted: Friday, August 13, 2010 by InvictusCoach in

Workout of the Day

For time:
Run 400m
Rest 3 minutes
Repeat 1 time
Sprint 100m
Rest 2 minutes
Repeat 2 more times
Spring 40 yards
Rest 1 minute
Repeat 3 more times

Total: 2-400m, 3- 100m, and 4- 40 yard dashes... hope this cleared up any confusion!

Yesterday I began writing up the Paleo on-ramp, or the Paleo diet for dummies. I am writing it with my buddy, Andrew, who is opening his CrossFit gym in Rockland County within the next few weeks. So far its looking pretty gnarly, it is simple yet effective. My goal is to educate my clients and others about paleolithic nutrition without confusing the hell of out them. Nutrition in general is such a complicated subject, so we're hoping this will make it easy for everyone to understand and follow. I have nothing else to talk about so on that note, enjoy the workout and enjoy your weekend! O ya, I hit a new PR on cleans! 265lbs!!!

Stay classy,

Coach A.

Eusebio loses bet... Coach always wins

Posted: Thursday, August 12, 2010 by InvictusCoach in

Workout of the Day

Thruster 3-3-1-1-1

AMRAP 12 minutes:

Thrusters (60% of 1RM)- 4 reps
Clapping pushups- 8 reps
Sit-ups- 12 reps

One of my athletes, Eusebio, decided it would be a good idea to strike a bet with me. He was convinced that the MTV show "Jersey Shore" aired new episodes Wednesday nights. I knew the show aired on Thursdays and so did everyone else in the car. But he swore it did so we agreed on a bet. If he wins the bet, I have to allow him to beat me in a wrestling match and record it. If I win, he has to do "Fran" in a pink leotard or a ridiculous outfit of my choice. Literally two minutes after dropping my young athlete off, I receive a text. I WON. Stay tuned, I will be posting the video on the blog as soon as he does it. Its looking to be next Friday.
On more important things, I stumbled upon this sweet website discussing the TRUTH about saturated fats. Its pretty damn interesting! Proven Health Benefits of Saturated Fat

Stay classy,

Coach A.

Check out the trainers at CrossFit Albany killin it!

Visit for more Videos

Programming, not as easy as it looks

Posted: Wednesday, August 11, 2010 by InvictusCoach in

Workout of the Day

Strict Press 3-3-3-3-3
Overhead Squat 3-3-1-1-1
Snatch 3-3-3-3-3

CrossFit programming looks like it requires no skill and very little competency in kinesiology. Just pick out some random exercises, throw in a time or task component and BAM you have your daily WOD. This is what I thought up until a few months ago. Believe it or not, good programming is an acquired skill. Sure, picking exercises out of a hat and matching it with an insane task/time component will get you in shape. But is it going to be the most effective? What will get you that "good stuff" faster? We all know (or should know) intensity is how you achieve your fitness goals the fastest, but the BEST programming out there gets you "the good stuff" faster. I have been training athletes at CrossFit Westchester since April. I will admit, my programming was sub-par at best. To be honest, I am still not a guru at programming. I am still always looking for ways to improve, to make the most beneficial workouts for my athletes, which leads me to the pickle I am in right now with programming. I train my athletes on a strength/power bias. Now big time strength trainers believe that met-cons, even in short duration, inhibits strength gains greatly. While others, like CrossFit Football, embrace the strength bias met-cons. I am kinda on the fence, I agree with both sides. Agreeing with both sides, I have decided to have designated days just for strength, met-con, sprint work, skill work etc. I really like this idea because it hits every side of the spectrum. However, the problem with this is that now there is a routine schedule, not as constantly varied. Not as constantly varied calls for routine days, but not necessarily routine exercises. This is just a rough example of what I mean by routine days:
Monday- strength: 3 multi-joint movements, 5 sets of 1,3, or 5 reps
Tuesday- Met-con: long or short, completely randomized
Wednesday- Active rest: work on gymnastic skills/weaknesses
Thursday- Rest day
Friday- Sprint work/rowing: anything short and explosive
Now everyday week would follow this kind of schedule. I like the idea, but I have not yet perfected it. I plan to give this a try starting in September. In the meantime, I am going to dig up some more research on the pros/cons of this style of training and would love to hear some feedback. Leave a comment!!

Stay classy,

Coach A.

"ADAMBROWN" not only kicked my ass, but nearly murdered my athletes!

Paleo on-ramp?

Posted: Tuesday, August 10, 2010 by InvictusCoach in

Workout of the Day


Two rounds for time of:
295 pound Deadlift, 24 reps
24 Box jumps, 24 inch box
24 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
195 pound Bench press, 24 reps
24 Box jumps, 24 inch box
24 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
145 pound Clean, 24 reps

* Scale appropriately. Scale deadlift to 60% of 1RM, benchpress 65% of 1RM, and clean 55% of 1RM*

Thanks HQ

For a little while now I have been dabbling with the idea of making an "on-ramp" program for people interested in going Paleo. There is so much to learn about this style of eating, so I am going to create an easy, simple way of educating yourself and implementing it into your life. A lot of people do not understand, but it is foolish to try and give up the processed foods and all the junk all at once. It is torturous and you really feel that dip and in energy and performance. Rather, one should ease themselves into the diet so the "performance/energy dip" isn't so dreadful. Hopefully I will have it done before September. GO PALEO OR GO HOME!

Stay classy,

Coach A.

10 Nutritional Mistakes

Posted: Monday, August 9, 2010 by InvictusCoach in

Workout of the Day

6 rounds for time:

10 KB Swings - 2 Pood
15 Toes to Bar
20 Double Unders

Thanks CF Football!

Its Monday. You know the drill. The brain is slowing powering up so here is a cool article on nutrition Top 10 Nutritional Mistakes- Primal Body Primal Mind

The rockland boys catching there breath after a brutal team workout... and Luke doing burpees because he was late

Response to Yesterday's article

Posted: Friday, August 6, 2010 by InvictusCoach in

Workout of the Day


AMRAP in 12 minutes:
5 Any way ground to overhead- 70% of 1rm clean and jerk
10 Push Ups
15 GHD Back Extensions

Note: any way overhead means literally any way you can get the friggen bar over your head. Snatch, clean and jerk, thruster, etc.

Yesterday's article was a pretty interesting piece. To some up the article, the author explained how scaling workouts to a strength bias is pointless because it limits our power output. So the author is saying that power cannot occur at near maximal loads (1rm). Now that is a little confusing to me. I understand that physics says that power occurs around 30% speed and at around 50% of our 1rm, but why can't it occur at 75%? Take this scenario: Athlete A and B have a 1rm clean of 300lbs. (ya there both JACKED). Athlete A and B both can produce about the same power at 50% of this 1rm. Lets say both can do 150lbs. 30 reps in 1:30 minutes. Pretty powerful dudes. Now according to this theory, power is going to be severely blunted at near maximum loads. Athlete A can do 3 reps of 75% of his 1rm in :30 seconds, while athlete B can do the same weight and reps in :25 seconds. Who's more powerful? Athlete B, clearly. This is an interesting scenario because it is very possible that a situation like this can occur. He technically wouldn't be stronger than athlete A because there 1rm is the same, but the fact that he can push around the same weight faster makes him more powerful. The one thing that really changed the way I viewed the article was when the author talked about training being done at 50% of 1rm. If you increase weight at 50% of 1rm then odds are you your 1rm will increase. Can't really argue must there. However, I do not think training at 50% of it is the most productive way to do increase one's 1rm. The body needs the stress of near maximal loads in order to increase in power and strength. One last thing I enjoyed about the article was the formula for scaling. Good in theory, but far from a perfect system. I can tell you this first hand because I know a lot of people who are not strong enough to hit a 190lbs. thruster but can slam a 3-4 minute fran. This is a common case where an athlete has got a ton of power, but strength does not match, thus leaving this formula imperfect. Even more common, a vice versa scenario where strength outweighs power output. It can happen because I used to be that way! Overall, I think the article is an awesome read, the scaling formula is good but does not apply in most scenarios. Time to train the kiddies. BReeZe!

Stay classy,

Coach A.

Read the article... thoughts? I may have a response tomorrow

Posted: Thursday, August 5, 2010 by InvictusCoach in

Workout of the Day

Back Squat: 3-3-3-3

10 minute time cap:
7 rounds:
7 back squats (95/65)
7 long jumps

Thanks CF Westchester!

Zatsiorsky, Scaling, and Power

by Jon Gilson

You could struggle like a rocket trying to take off on regular unleaded, or you could actually get stronger.

You’re the kid who saw one phenom go from high school straight to the Major Leagues, and figured “What the hell? If that skinny punk can do it, so can I.” Attention, achievement, some sliver of recognition, nothing less will do.

You’re Rx’d. You made the Major League jump. Except, you really, really shouldn’t have, and now you’re striking out. Slow your roll, tee ball slugger.

It’s okay. I did the same thing, and if I don’t admit it, the pot would definitely be calling the kettle another piece of kitchen equipment. Learn from my stupidity.

If you can’t thruster at least 190 pounds, you shouldn’t be doing “Fran” with 95.

The whole point of our sport is power output: do more work faster. Intrinsic in this little missive is “faster”, but every guy secretly wants to be bigger and stronger, and figures that what we actually meant was “heavier”.

This is not what we meant.

It comes down to simple physics: power is the product of speed and strength. Too much of either (without the other) will result in extremely blunted power.

Imagine speed and strength on the see-saw together, and strength is the fat kid. The really fat kid. In fact, he outweighs speed by a factor of ten. The see-saw stays stuck, and no one has fun at recess. Escaping my metaphor, if the load is too large and speed is too small, power is zip, much like multiplying by zero always gets you zero.

Now, imagine speed and strength are balanced, each kid weighing about the same. This parity allows them to act in concert with each other, and the see-saw really flies. We get power.

“Heavier” isn’t the answer. Balance is the answer.

On page six in The Science and Practice of Strength Training, author Vladimir Zatsiorsky posits that maximal power output occurs at approximately 30% of maximal velocity and 50% of maximal load. I’m in love with page six, and simultaneously dumbfounded by its mathematical exactitude.

Applied to CrossFit and our never ending pursuit of power, this unforgettable page states that we’re looking for a load that you can move with 30% speed, one that tends to occur somewhere around your 50% of one-rep maximum.

Of course, CrossFit won’t ask you to move the bar once, but perhaps ten or twenty or fifty times. To maximize your power across this broad spectrum of work, you’ll want to load to less than 50% 1RM, and continue to try to move the hell out of the bar.

Holy shit. A formula for scaling.

For too long, we’ve focused on strength bias this and power animal super athlete that, when this entire program is predicated on power. Stop thinking of scaling as something to keep Grandma in the game. We scale to the physical and psychological tolerance of the athlete for one reason: it enables the individual to produce as much power as possible.

Following Zatsiorsky’s formula, if you can’t thruster at least 190 pounds, you shouldn’t be doing “Fran” with 95. If you can’t clean and jerk 270, don’t do “Grace” with 135. You’re blunting your power output. Scale that weight down; it will make you more powerful.

I did not just tell you to abandon heavy weights. In fact, I want you to lift heavy. A lot. Just not in the middle of your WOD.

If you increase your 1RM, through any number of methods, your 50% 1RM will go up as well, and you’ll climb into the Rx’d echelon via this prescription. You thruster 150, you do “Fran” at 75 pounds or less. You thruster 200, welcome to the Big Leagues.

In other words, don’t strength bias your WODs—strength bias your strength, and scale your WODs to your current strength level.

Proof? Take a look at the strongest men in the world, not by fiat, but by actual numbers lifted, the gargantuan boys of Westside Barbell. Their program regularly calls for moving 50% 1RM as fast as possible. In fact, it was a conversation with Louie Simmons, the founder of the Westside Method and its Dynamic Effort Days, that persuaded me to pick up a copy of The Science and Practice of Strength Training in the first place.

I’m sure he’d be disappointed I never made it past page six, but I bet he’d love it if you stopped trying to do Fran with 65% of your 1RM.

The successful implementation of scaling demands a simple recognition: there are an infinite number of weights that can be loaded on a barbell, and every one must be removed from ego and firmly affixed to power. When this mental shift occurs, we’ll get more powerful athletes, guaranteed.

Job interview today!

Posted: Wednesday, August 4, 2010 by InvictusCoach in

Workout of the Day

Overhead Squat


Bench press

Today is a big day for Coach. Today is my first official job interview for teaching! I have had interviews in the past for coaching, but nothing for a REAL teaching position. I'm actually more excited than nervous about the interview. Game plan: wake up at 7:30, shower, eat 4 eggs and drink 1 cup of coffee. After, rehearse my interview in the mirror, put on some relaxing tunes, and get ready to dominate this interview! I know I gave up caffeine, but it helps tremendously with my mental focus, got to bring my A-game! Hopefully the school will enjoy my delightful and witty personality. I apologize for not having anything interesting to write about... promise I will after the interview :) Wish me luck!

Stay classy,

Coach A.

This is just a pretty gnarly cover to one of my favorite songs

I got noting for yah!

Posted: Tuesday, August 3, 2010 by InvictusCoach in

Workout of the Day

Split Jerk

Five rounds for time of:
135 pound Squat clean thruster, 5 reps
10 Chest to bar pull-ups

Check out this article I got from CF Football on evolution: Adventures in evolution

Stay classy,

Coach A.

Don't look too happy now Joe!

Another hazy Monday

Posted: Monday, August 2, 2010 by InvictusCoach in

Workout of the Day




Five rounds for time of:
225 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
20 Box jumps, 24 inch box
25 Pull-ups

This past weekend, Invictus Wrestling took 4th at the Silverback Duals. Not too shabby for forfeiting 4 weight classes. There is not going to be any practice this week, so expect CrossFit WODs to be killer this week. As usual, its Monday so my brain is still working in slow-mo. I think eating like complete crap this weekend has really put me into this blurry Monday haze. Hopefully after my intermittent fasting ritual and some good food after, I will be back to normal tomorrow. BReeZe!

Stay classy,

Coach A.

Doesn't the blood look fake? Like ketchup?