The Paleo Solution!

Posted: Tuesday, August 24, 2010 by InvictusCoach in

Workout of the Day

Split Jerk 5-3-1-1-1

21, 15, 9 reps of:

Push Press 135 lbs
Ring Dips
Calorie Row

Thanks CF Football!

*Push press can be scaled to 70% of 1RM or 95,65lbs.

Just found out Robb Wolf's book, The Paleo Solution, will be release September 14th! STOKED! If you do not know who Robb Wolf is, he is like the guru of paleolithic nutrition. Check out his website for nutrition info @ You can also download his podcast episodes, "The Paleolithic Solution" on itunes for free.

Stay classy,

Coach A.

That might have been one of the thickest callouses that has ever torn off of my hand