Some good news!

Posted: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 by InvictusCoach in

Workout of the Day

Find 1RM back squat then...

Back Squat
15 reps- 50% of 1RM
12 reps- 55% of 1RM
9 reps- 60% of 1RM
6 reps- 65% of 1RM
3 reps - 70% of 1RM

30 seconds to complete 1st set, 25 seconds 2nd set, 20 seconds 3rd set, 15 seconds 4th set, 10 seconds 5th set; with 1min rest between sets. Burpee penalty until minute ends if not completed within the time constraint

Thanks Harold from CF-Westchester!

On to the good news... I am OFFICIALLY hired as a Physical Education teacher at PS 1- The Courtlandt School!!! Ironic how my first teaching job has the same name as my college. What can I say, I guess Cortland can't get away from me. More good news: I am all moved into my new apartment wooo... Any other updates? Hmm... can't think of any so BReeZe!

Stay classy,

Coach A.

The future... When Invictus Wrestling and CrossFit Westchester join forces!

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