Don't ever cheat on Paleo for a whole week
Posted: Tuesday, August 17, 2010 by InvictusCoach inWorkout of the Day
5 rounds for time:
Clean 70% 1RM- 5 reps
Pullups- 10 reps
Burpees- 15 reps
Last week, I decided to skip on grocery shopping. Funds were low and I was pretty damn lazy. So I was just winging my meals by with eggs, protein bars/shakes, some fruit and chicken. My fat intake now that I think about it was low, protein was moderate as well as carbohydrate consumption. The weekend was even worse. I actually didn't participate in my usual weekend habits, I wanted to "be good". But I did eat grains, lots of them. Lots of refined sugar. It was delicious. Let me tell you, I WILL NOT BE DOING THAT FOR AWHILE. My performance and energy levels generally sucked. I started to feel it on Friday, but didn't pay attention to it. I figured I was having an "off day". Today convinced me that my poor eating habits from the past week finally caught up with me. Granted, the workout I did today was tough and I still completed it in above average time, I felt like effing death. My energy levels dropped after my second round, I felt that I was going to have another asthma attack, and I was sweating like a fat kid at Thanksgiving. I seriously have not felt that shitty after a workout in a very very long time. The only thing I could think of that was different was my diet from the past week. So I went shopping and prepared a delicious Paleo friendly meal. I feel full, satisfied and ready to crush whatever WOD I choose to do. Anyways, enough about me... Stay tuned for some updates!
Stay classy,
Coach A.
Who's that jacked stud (on top)? My senior year of H.S. Pre-crossfit/paleo