The fixes for life

Posted: Friday, July 9, 2010 by InvictusCoach in

Workout of the Day

Weighted Pullups 5-5-5-5-5

3 rounds for time:
275lbs Deadlift, 5 reps
Double unders, 20 reps
225lbs. Backsquat, 10 reps

Ever hear the saying, "duck tape fixes everything"? Well, I have a theory. Duck tape and PVC pipe can fix and make anything. Its true. If you break something tell me a little duck tape and some handy dandy plastic isn't going to fix it in a jiffy! Another fix is a low carb paleo diet and crossfit. Now those two combined will fight away most diseases, illnesses, and all of the other common reasons why we are perishing away. Think about it. Heart disease is the #1 killa in the U.S. Low-carb paleo diets and crossfit both have been proven to lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and promote a more active lifestyle. I think it amusing when I hear people tell me that either low carb or paleo diets are "unhealthy". What is so unhealthy about eating veggies, getting more then enough vitamin and minerals, less sodium, more good fat, more protein, and just eating the foods that we were programmed to eat? News flash: we don't need grains or processed carbs for life functions. Period. We'll get them in low glycemic foods and if glycogen stores are too low, a neat process called gluconeogenesis will convert amino acids into glucose. "Red meat is bad". As long as your diet is rich of all the essential vitamins and you crossfit, you'll be benefiting from delicious red meat. Lets use a low carb diet and crossfit in context.
Person A is obese: Low carb paleo diet and crossfit.
Person B broke his leg: duck tape and pvc pipe to cast the leg. Low carb paleo diet and crossfit to heal like Wolverine.
Person C has a lot of unprotected sex: With a perfect immune system, believe it or not, your body can actually fight off many stds, including AIDS. Research it! LOW CARB PALEO DIET AND CROSSFIT will promote the most badass immune system (and supplementing with vitamin C ).

Enjoy your weekend! I won't be around my computer this weekend, again. I have a graduation party to attend, where I will be meeting up with my college buddies! Make good decisions ladies and gentlemen :)

Stay classy,

Coach A.

Paleo food pyramid!