Take that Fran!

Posted: Friday, July 23, 2010 by InvictusCoach in

Workout of the Day

For 20 minutes:

Run 400 meters
Rest precisely the time of the previous run

Thanks CF HQ!

I would have posted a more difficult WOD, but since I will be in Buffalo, there will be no classes. This is something you can easily do at home, plus its a killer. Anyways, I murdered FRAN! That's right, I not only crushed my PR but did so without puking! I have been saying I was going to do Fran for weeks now and finally grew the balls to do it. Lately, well since I have been more consistent with my Crossfitting, my performance has been at an all time best. I have been crushing previous PRs. Cindy +3 rounds, shaved over 8 minutes on Linda, and now killing Fran 40 seconds faster. Now one thing that is pretty amazing is how my work capacity has gotten to where it is now. What has been different from last year and the year before till now? Lets take a look. I train less, averaging 3-4 days per week, I don't go balls to wall on every WOD like I used to, and I rarely if ever hit any oxidative type workouts. If someone were to present this to me, I would have assumed that their performance would have had a huge dip. After pondering for several minutes I have a few leads as to why my performance has been spectacular. Main reason: Paleo diet. I have worked hard on dialing in my nutrition and it has definitely paid off. I'm leaner, stronger, and my metabolic conditioning is the best its ever been. It is truly amazing how your diet impacts your performance, people really do not understand. Some other minor reasons why my performance has been up as of late include: supplementing with BCAAs, training less, and not killing myself all the time. The BCAAs have definitely helped with muscular fatigue. Training only 3-4 days a week has left me fresh and ready for the next WOD. Note: I only have two real rest days per week, I wrestle on my non-crossfit days. Lastly, my training intensity has kept that "burn out" feeling away. This was something that has come along many times since I have been CrossFitting. I now only go at "full intensity" when I feel like it, otherwise I go hard, just not to the point that I want to puke. Off to Buffalo I go, make good decisions this weekend! BReeZe!

Stay classy,

Coach A.

Me raping Fran in 2:26!