I lied... again... How to avoid caffeine crashes!
Posted: Wednesday, July 7, 2010 by InvictusCoach inWorkout of the Day
10 rounds:
10 Deadlifts
10 High pulls
10 Front squats
10 Cleans
This is not for time. Choose a light load, work on clean technique. Make sure you are hitting triple extension on those high pulls!
I lied again. I do not have a summary of yesterday's post. I have not had my daily fix of caffeine yet, so my motor has not started. Another scorching day out; how many of you worked out outside? I did. It was glorious. The main page WOD looks awesome; I'll be doing that today. Be sure to check out Chris Spealler's video on the main page. In my opinion, he has got to be the best CrossFitter pound for pound. The man is 140lbs. crushes any bodyweight WOD, competes with the big boys on strength bias WODs, and pretty much dominates anything that gets in his way. Not to mention he is a humble individual.
On another note, I found a cool article on how to avoid caffeine crashes. Pretty random but I have been pondering why I almost never get caffeine crashes. It makes perfect sense after reading, How to Avoid the Crash of Caffeine. In a nutshell, if you add a little fat to your caffeinated beverage it will prolong the effects because caffeine is fat soluble (as well as water soluble). My buddy had told me about this before, so I figure I'd dig up some more info. I am assuming since my diet is very high in fat (around 45-50% of my daily intake), the one cup of coffee I have per day not only makes me banana sandwiches, but stays in my system a crap load longer. SWEET.
Dumb vegans haha