Go Paleo or go home!

Posted: Wednesday, July 21, 2010 by InvictusCoach in

Workout of the Day

3 rounds for time:

30 Pushups (hand release at the bottom)
21 Overhead Squats- 45/95/135lbs.

Thinking about trying the Paleo Diet? Trust me its not a fad diet, there are no bars, supplements, or other B.S. On a marketing aspect, the only thing that exists are books to educate you on what it is and how to go about it. If you still think it is just another fad diet, ask yourself what is so bad about eating things veggies, lean meats, seafood, and healthy fats? I think the answer is pretty obvii... The easiest way to start is by cutting out processed foods by each meal. Here is an example of what you diet may look like and this is how you could change it. Breakfast: Bagel, oatmeal, or cereal. Pretty safe to say most people have one of the three. Lunch: Sandwich of some sort. Dinner: Pasta, rice, potatoes w/ meat. As you can see, this is a typical American diet which is rich in shitty carbohydrates. Besides jumping right on the Paleo bandwagon, ease yourself in. Start with replacing one meal per week with a Paleo friendly meal. For example, you can change your breakfast to a bacon and spinach omelet. Wake up 15 minutes earlier and stop complaining. Week after you can replace lunch with a turkey salad with olive oil. Dinner is the easiest to replace. Chicken, steamed veggies, and an avocado. Ideally you want every meal to consist of a protein source (meat of fish), veggies, and fat. If you focus your diet on those principles you should be just fine. Snack on nuts, fruits, and nut spreads like almond butter. My favorite snack is bananas and almond butter, its crack. Believe it or not you will lose bodyfat, despite a high fat intake. Google it because I do not feel like explaining it, maybe another time. Just so you know, there will be a 2-3 week dip in energy and performance due to your body making a "metabolic shift", meaning its change from carbohydrate dependency to fat, a more preferred source. After that time period is over I guarantee you will feel amazing. Trust me, Coach A would not steer you wrong!

Stay classy,

Coach A.

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