The USDA Food Pyramid is a coloring book of bullshit
Posted: Wednesday, September 1, 2010 by InvictusCoach inWorkout of the Day
Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5
For time:
21-15-9 reps
SDHP- 65/95/135lbs.
Push press- 65/95/135lbs.
*This WOD should not take you more than 4 minutes. It is meant to be a nice lung burner.
Ever take a look at the USDA Food Pyramid? Both the old and new suck. I guess the USDA thought they were doing a fantastic job by adding exercise and whole grains to their pot of disaster. Since the food pyramid has been out we have gone fatter and fatter at society. Sure, we are overall less active than we were 10 and 20 years ago but I don't think that is the root of the problem. I would say the average American actually follows the food pyramid guidelines minus the fruits and vegetables (ironically the most important part). That means the average American is getting enough servings of grains, meats, and diary per day. If we are following the food pyramid correctly, as most Americans are, then WHY THE HELL ARE WE SO FAT AS A SOCIETY?! O wait... I no! Lets check out this scenario. Take out grains from the food pyramid, make sure you are eating your fruits and vegetables and lets see what happens. AMERICA: wake up! You do not need grains to get fiber and small amount of nutrients that grains provide. You will get plenty from natural food sources, without inflammatory and anti-nutrient issues that come along with consuming grains. Believe it are not, this is common knowledge among top nutritionist. So why are grains still on the pyramid? Simple, its bad for the economy. Picture how many thousands and thousands of people would be out of a job if the truth was out and people stayed away from cereal, bread, pasta, rice, etc. Big companies would be forced to lay off workers because production would be extremely slow. The only thing the food pyramid has done is set us up for a life long battle with obesity, diabetes, cancer, and all sorts of inflammatory problems. Do yourself a favor and don't listen to anyone who gives you nutrition advice based off of the food pyramid. Whether they are "professionals" in the field or not, they are clearly either uneducated and/or blind and/or retarted. OK... I think I'm done with my rant... BReeZe!
Stay classy,
Coach A.
Hey kids look! Its a coloring book on how to get fat and get preventable disease!