CrossFit Terrorism

Posted: Thursday, September 2, 2010 by InvictusCoach in

Workout of the Day

Overhead Squat 5-5-5-5-5
Weighted Pullup 5-5-5-5-5
Snatch 5-5-5-5-5

Before I begin this rant, I love CrossFit. I think its undoubtedly the best fitness approach in existence. It may not be perfect, but who says you can't tailor it more specifically towards your individual needs/goals? CrossFit is somewhat of a fitness cult. Crossfitters love talking about CrossFit for hours on end, searching and posting cool videos etc. But something really annoying and detrimental has been going around the CrossFit community. Its like a CrossFit bacteria has plagued many people, especially newbies. What I am trying to get here are what I call "CrossFit Robots".
CrossFit Robots are the annoying CrossFitters that really make you want to tell them to stfu. They talk about it so much that you literally want rip out their voice box. They post entirely too many videos, statuses, or other CrossFit related things. Its annoying to the point that you want to de-friend them on facebook because you cannot stand to see another CrossFit type post on your news feed. These are also the people who avoid certain foods and beverages like the plague 24/7. Not that this is at all a bad thing, but depriving yourself of a cheeseburger at a BBQ, reunion, or any social event is just odd. One may be able to spot one of these CrossFit Robots at a CrossFit gym, CrossFit event, or even better, a CrossFit after party! These people are generally socially awkward, or at least appear to be when they refuse to eat or drink something that is non-paleo. Now the top tier of these CrossFit Robots are the extremist. The robot figure heads. They preach and press it on the world, they would probably even drink their own urine if Greg Glassman himself said it would improve their "Fran" time. These people I classify as CrossFit Terrorists. They are the small percentage of absolutely brainwashed CrossFitters who are absolutely set on CrossFit ways that anything opposing is offensive. A CrossFit terrorist reading this will be extremely offended and attempt to justify their actions with a witty health excuse and pray to the CrossFit gods to have me burned at the stake.
If any CrossFit Robots or Terrorist are reading this, have a cheeseburger every now and then. Have a celebratory beverage with some friends on a Friday night. Read up on other fitness/nutrition related things that aren't in the CrossFit realm. Open your mind. Take a week or two from CrossFit and enjoy your life.
I just had to go on a little rant because these people just urke me. As a CrossFit trainer and Paleo eater myself, I just find it extremely odd for people to center their lives around it. Sacrificing the joys of life, whether they be unhealthy or not. You only live once, so make the best of it.

Stay classy,

Coach A.


  1. Jmar says:

    My favorite post to date... glad ur not one of those robots or terrorists Manny!!! woooo