Carb hangovers suck!
Posted: Monday, September 6, 2010 by InvictusCoach inWorkout of the Day
For time:
Shuttle sprints:
1o,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100 yards
*Run to the 10 yard line and back, then run to the 20 yard line and back, etc*
Happy labor day! I am writing this on Sunday because I plan to sleep until mid-afternoon today. The weekend was very fun, but exhausting. Saturday I ate entirely too many refined carbs in the form of brownies, cookies, donuts, pizza bagels, pasta, and taquidos. I had the WORST carb hangover of my life. Yes, I said carb hangover. It is a real legit thing. I woke up at 6am Sunday morning because I felt so sick and had to puke. I still feel like total crap. That is the last time I ever eat that much junk again! I think tomorrow calls for some intermittent fasting and some laxatives in an attempt to get this crap out of my system. That's all I got for today... BReeZe!
Stay classy,
Coach A.
Amazing song!