Paleo Solution- Complete
Posted: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 by InvictusCoach inWorkout of the Day
Deadlift 5-3-1-1-1
5 rounds for time:
5 Deadlifts @ 60% of 1RM
10 Burpees
G'day everyone! This is the first time in a few weeks that I don't feel like a caffeine induced zombie. Yes, the devil has been knocking on my door again. I am back on my addiction: caffeine. With this new hectic schedule, it is extremely difficult to get a sufficient amount of rest so I have to take in a cup of Joe to survive the day. No worries, I only limit myself to two cups per day :) Anyways, I actually got a full 7 hrs of sleep and am feeling fantastic because of it!
On other news, I am done reading Robb Wolf's book, "The Paleo Solution". The book has done a tremendous job of informing the reader everything behind Paleolithic nutrition. Some of the stuff seems a little far fetched, but I believe this way of eating to be the most beneficial and efficient way of eating whether your an elite athlete, disgustingly obese, or your average Joe. I highly recommend this book, especially over "The Paleo Diet" and "The Paleo Diet for Athletes". I have read both and although they are both good reads, unless you have a sciencey (made up word, I know) it can be hard to follow. I am trying to find some time to finish my Paleo On-ramp as well as a PowerPoint that I will have up for download on the site. I cannot make any promises on when I will have that complete, maybe a month or two.
Stay classy,
Coach A.