CrossFit- exposed!
Posted: Thursday, September 9, 2010 by InvictusCoach in
Workout of the Day
1- Clean 75% of 1RM
5 Pull Ups, 10 Push Ups, 15 Air Squats or 1 round of Cindy
I am writing this a day early as I know I will be sleeping until early afternoon. I will definitely be enjoying my next few days off of work, I am still not used to waking up this early! With that being said, I will probably post a lot less and just provide a WOD. My new schedule is absolutely hectic, I'm going to have trouble finding time to workout myself. Anyhow, check out this article I stumbled on discussing an unbiased truth about CrossFit. The author did a sweet job on the article, so check it out!
The Truth About CrossFit