Intermittent fasting, BCAAs and caffeine III
Posted: Friday, September 24, 2010 by InvictusCoach inWorkout of the Day
5 rounds for time:
"Burpee Complex"
Burpee Deadlift
Burpee Power Clean
Burpee Front Squat
Burpee Press
Each complete round of movements is 1 rep. For example: 1 deadlift + 1 power clean + front squat + clean and jerk = 1 rep, so perform that 5 times for the first set, 4 for the second set, etc. The workout is not for time, just max weight. Keeping your hands in contact with the bar, perform a burpee before each lift. Hands are only allowed to re-grip.
*Time priority: round of 5- 2: 30 mins, 4-2:00, 3- 1:30, 2- 1:00, 1- :30 seconds. If you do not finish in the allotted time frame, a 10 burpee long jump penalty will be enforced for each offense!
Intermittent fasting yesterday was no bueno. This was the first time where I felt so hazy that I had to break my fast at hour 15. Though I did not feel lethargic, i had a lot disorientation. Constant dizzy spells, light headedness (not sure if thats a word), and I kept losing my train of thought. Now lets break down the variables. They were very identical to last week: massive amount of caffeine (around 500mg), lack of sleep, and BCAAs. Differences: I had more caffeine this week, a little less sleep, and... I think that is it. Although my source of caffeine probably had a big factor, I think the factor that had the greatest impact was my lack of sleep. Last week I had a few days of 6-7 hours that night. This week I have been on 3-5hours, with the night before the fast being at about 4. I was feeling lethargic throughout the week because of it, so caffeine was necessary for my existence. Fasting definitely kept that light headed feeling going, as my body was already a complete shitwreck. However, I have had a history of fasting, because of wrestling, so fasting isn't anything new for my body. I think the combo of lack of sleep and trying to overcompensate it by taking in an absurd amount of caffeine gave me that "1,2 punch". The fasting was more like insult to injury. I think I may lay off of the intermittent fasting for a bit or I will try it again but with a full nights rest. Will keep you updated!
Stay classy,
Coach A.
Bear complex... same style as Burpee complex