New schedule calls for some adjustments
Posted: Monday, September 20, 2010 by InvictusCoach inDue to the hectic schedule of life and Invictus Wrestling starting back up, CrossFit class schedule is changing up. Class will now be 3 days a week: Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Classes run opposite days of wrestling for obvious reasons. With this being the case I can go one of two ways on this. I could either till post WODs daily, which will be most likely my own personal workouts. OR just post the WODs the 3 days a week I run my classes, since I originally created this blog for that purpose. As of right now, it looks like I will just be posting WODs Tueday, Thursday, and Friday. It makes more sense for me and stays true to my programming for my athletes. It may look like I sometimes throw random shit on here for a workout, but trust me there is actually SOME periodization (scary word) and theory put behind each workout. I don't just throw random things together and hope for the best. Checkout CrossFit Westchester for WODs if your blood is still itching. Anyhow, I will be on here tomorrow for the post. I hate Mondays...
Stay classy,
Coach A.