Gymnastics movements II?
Posted: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 by InvictusCoach inWorkout of the day
20 rep max back squat
Ten rounds of ten reps:
Deadlift 135
After party:
20 rep max back squat
* 20 rep max back squat should be UNBROKEN. Since the pre-game set might be under your true 20 rep max, the after-party set should be about right*
Remember a little while when I had a quick pointless rant on gymnastic movements? I think I mentioned something on how they don't have to be constantly varied? I'm probably repeating myself and am entirely too lazy to read my own previous post. But building onto that, I believe gymnastic movements need not to be constantly varied, but constantly practiced. See, gymnastic movements are extremely difficult to be good at. What better way to get good at em than practice them! Why do we do gymnastic movements in workouts? Why do they pertain to the wrestler? Coordination,accuracy, flexibility, and body awareness! Wrestlers get put in all sorts of pretzel looking positions so joint flexibility is important: it may decrease risk of injury. Body awareness is self explanatory. All and all gymnastics help wrestlers tremendously with defense. Having the flexibility and mastering body control can get you out of a lot of sticky situations. Be prepared to see more gymnastic movements!
Also, on days that a WOD is not posted you should be working on weaknesses or goin heavy on an O-lift or even hitting a nice met-con if your little heart desires.
Stole this from I need to get a poster of this!