Why Exercising Muscles Tire When Needed Most

Posted: Thursday, July 8, 2010 by InvictusCoach in

Workout of the Day

Bench press 5x5

For time:

Row 200m
20 weighted pullups
Row 200m
20 weighted dips
Row 200m
20 KB Swings, 2 pood (70lbs)
Row 200m
20 Toes to bar
Row 200m
20 45lbs. overhead lounges (each foot)
Row 200m
20 Overhead Squat

Go HEAVY. Go HARD. Go FAST. Everything should be done explosively. No pacing yourself here. Balls to the wall!

I didn't break my promise! Here's a sweet article I came across. P.S. try the workout, its pretty gnarly. Why Exercising Muscles Tire When Needed Most. Enjoy!