Why I train athletes, the way I do

Posted: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 by InvictusCoach in

Complete 5 rounds for time:

Sprint 40 yards
6 Power Cleans 95/135/185 lbs
12 Knees to Elbows

Thanks CF Football!

I would like to wish good luck to my Invictus Wrestling/CrossFit Westchester athletes, Dave and Eusebio, this weekend as they are competing at the Empire State Games. It is going to be a great experience for both, there should be some great competition up there!

Goal of CrossFit: produce well-rounded athletes, "our specialty is not specializing". My vision: not only make a well rounded athlete, but a damn powerful workhorse. Will my athletes have as good endurance as a CrossFit athlete? Probably not. Will my athletes be able to lift large loads across distance faster? HELL YES. Why? This is a question a few people in the CrossFit community are having trouble understanding. Don't get me wrong, I love producing athletes who are capable of doing things that require hitting different modal domains, but my job is to prepare them for sport. So it is IMPERATIVE that there has to be some specialization. Since I train wrestlers, there workouts must be based around heavy explosive movements with workouts typically lasting in the duration of around 10 minutes. Anything outside of that domain is generally not helpful for these explosive athletes. Wrestlers, the most bad-ass athletes on the planet, do not hit aerobic pathways in competition. Umm... so why have them train in a domain that is rarely if ever hit? Pointless. Instead, lets get their bodies prepared for the 6 minutes of sprint work, which is pretty much what a match entails. Hate to say this: CrossFit is not the answer to everything and if you think it is then you are uneducated and ignorant. If your goal is to get bigger and stronger, stop running 5ks and lift a heavy barbell for Christ sake. All and all learn how to structure programs based around your or your client's goals using the CrossFit methodology: constantly varied functional movements performed at a high intensity! All day eurry day!

Stay classy,

Coach A.

Paleo Pyramid!